

我們是標高電子股份有限公司,同時也是德商PEAK SYSTEM台灣獨家代理商。
近期在【Yahoo 拍賣】【露天拍賣】【蝦皮購物】的平台中發現有許多打著德商PEAK、正品,甚至是國外直購的名號販售PCAN-USB系列,這些均是水貨甚至是仿冒品,如您將這些來路不明的產品使用在您辛苦研發的產品上,生產出的產品品質將有疑虞。


原廠PEAK SYSTEM的CEO - Uwe Wilhelm先生非常重視此次事件,因此特別請我司轉達如下:


We request you to immediately remove all products using our company and/or product names, all images or other files (PDF, JPG, TXT) using brand names protected by international law from your WEB site. Likewise, we prohibit you from selling the goods as "new goods" - you must label them as used goods. New goods can only be sold by qualified dealers approved by us. As soon as you put goods into resale the warranty / guarantee processing via us or our local partner expires. If you do not want to take over the warranty yourself, you also have to inform your customers about this information. If you do not comply with our request, we will take legal action.


If you / your customer need PEAK-System Products, you could buy them,  in your country,  from our official sales partner:

Microport Computer Electronics Inc.


再次提醒客戶,如您對PEAK SYSTEM的產品有興趣,請直接與我司聯繫與購買,透過獨家代理商出貨的產品,不管是品質、後續保固與技術支援皆有保障。